My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-93: I don't want to go

CH-93: I don't want to go

1All the trainees were going to New York so they had one day holiday, But Alex was in his office. His brother Aiden was sitting in front of him and listening to all his instruction like an obedient child. Alex, who was also going to accompany all the trainees, had called Aidan to tell him how to handle work in his absence     1

"Aiden, Isabella will be here with you. Laila is coming with me. I hope you take care of everything in my absence."     

" Yes, brother I will." Aidan nodded his head.     

Isabella was one of Alex's three secretaries. Isabella was a thirty-two-year-old married and trustworthy woman. She has been with Alex since the time Alex took over as CEO. She was Alex's first secretary.     

After explaining everything to Aidan, he got up from his chair and went to the door. As he was about to open the door, Aidan called out to him.     


" what?" Alex turned.     

"Nothing, I just want to say Safe Journey."     

" Thank you." Aiden wanted to know his little sister in law was going or not. But he did not dare and changed the topic.     


It was one o'clock in the afternoon when Alex came into the mansion. Right away he asked Mrs. Kim about Avery. When he found out that Avery was still in her room, he went straight to her room. He was angry when he saw her lying on the bed. Because by this time she should have been ready, but here she was still asleep. When Alex approached her, he noticed that her face was very pale. Her eyes were swollen with tears. He touched her cheek, he realized that she was burning with fever.     

He quickly brought a metal colour box from his room. He took an injection out of the box and filled it. He injected it into her arm. He rubbed and patted her cheek.     

"Ave, open your eyes." Avery opened her eyes and stared at Alex. She wanted to run away as soon as she saw him but she knew there was nothing she could do. She also tried hard to keep her eyes open.     

Alex quickly took her in his arms and sat up straight on the bed. Her back rested on his chest. She did not want to be around him but she did not have the strength to resist him. He took a glass of water to her lips.     

"Drink this." She drank the water with great difficulty. Her dry throat was relieved after drinking the water. He asked Mrs. Kim to bring a lunch plate for her. He began to feed her. She didn't want anything from him but she knew that her feeling and wish was worthless in their relationship. So she said to him nothing. After her meal, he gave her a tablet and told her to rest for a while.     


While Avery was asleep, she realized that someone was patting her on the cheek. Alex's face was in front of hers as she opened her eyes slowly. Alex was nearly ready in his grey suit. She rolled her eyes from his head to his toe. He was looking so stunning.     

Avery was feeling much better now than before. She sat up on the bed. She didn't understand why Alex was staring at her.     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She finally asked.     

"Get ready. We have to leave in five minutes."     

"where we are going." She had completely forgotten about New York. She just remembered Alex's threat.     

"Airport." She remembered everything now but she didn't want to go to New York.     

" I don't want to go." She said in a thin voice with her head down.     

"You have no choice. I have already packed your bag. There are clothes for you to wear now." He pointed to the couch. "I'm waiting outside. Get ready in five minutes." Alex took her packed bag and left the room.     

Avery couldn't believe that Alex had packed her bag himself. She was totally confused by his behaviour. He would first give her wound and then he would apply the ointment himself. She didn't want to do anything anymore. She decided to go with the flow now.     

She got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After freshening up, she put on the jeans and white top that Alex had kept for her. She was not able to walk properly due to her weakness. She reached the door of room with the help of a wall. When she opened the door, she saw Alex standing in front of her door.     

"Ready." He asked simply. She just nodded her head.     

"Let's go." The luggage of them had already been sent in the car. Alex was in front and Avery was behind him. He was walking fast and she was walking slowly. When he reached the main door he looked back, Avery was in the middle of the living room.     

Without a moment's delay, he hurried into the living room and picked her up in his arms. He came out of the mansion. Ethan opened the back seat door of the car for them. Alex slowly put Avery on the seat and then sat down beside her. Ethan closed the door and sat on the passenger seat next to the Diver. The car sped off towards the airport. Alex's hand was on Avery's waist and she was looking out the window. There was silence in the car throughout the journey. No one was talking to anyone.     


The car stopped on the side of the airport where there was a very little crowd. When Avery looked out of the window, she saw Emily. Seeing Emily, a smile appeared on her face. "From here you have to go with Emily." Alex's words fell on her ears but she didn't even look at him. She also wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.     

Ethan got down from the front seat and opened the door for Avery.     

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