My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-102: This place is not for me.

CH-102: This place is not for me.

0Everyone in that party hall was staring her. After Jade's words, everyone's thoughts changed about her. In between all of them, now it was very difficult for her to keep herself standing there.     2

Every one in that party started commenting on her. The only thought she had at that time was to ran away from there or buried herself somewhere, So that no one should be able to find her. She did not have the courage to face those cruel people.     

She stepped forward with her trembling legs.     

Although the first priority of that kind lady who was in purple gown was Alex, she felt bad for Avery. Jade told her about Avery's pregnancy, but she could not change her feeling for Avery, had in her heart.     

Avery was taking one step after another. Tears were flowing from her eyes. She had completely forgotten what happened in the bedroom with her because of the humiliation that Jade had done.     

The heart of that kind lady was unknowingly aching for Avery. She wanted to do something for Avery but didn't know what to do. Avery was now in the centre of the hall as she was about to take another step someone put hand on her belly. That familiar touch, that familiar scent. She didn't even take a moment for recognize that person.     

"Alex" she whispered. Which was hearable for only him.     

"Where are you going?" He asked.     

"Please let me go. This place is not for me." She closed her eyes for a moment, "I am stain for you. Clara is right choice for you."     

"Did someone say this?"     

"No one said this but I know."     

Alex's hand was on her stomach. Their conversation was only limited to them. There was no closeness between them. So all one present there thought, Alex was planning to punish her. They felt sorry for Avery.     

And on the other hand, Jade was happy in her heart. Jade didn't know Avery very well because Avery was just a trainee and Jade was a designer. They two had different work and department, so they didn't get along. Even though Jade had seen Avery only three or four times, but she was hating Avery from her heart.     

Her hate increased for Avery when Avery slapped Alex in front of everyone. That day she thought there was something between Alex and Avery. Thinking she would find something she turned her attention to Clara When she chased Clara that day, she found out about Avery's pregnancy.     

She had heard Clara and Avery's conversation that day without knowing them. The door of wardroom was locked from inside so she hadn't heard about Avery's rape. But she was convinced that Avery was pregnant and father of her child was unknown. She also managed to get Avery's report from the hospital.     

She had made a complete plan to tarnish Avery's image but when she went to the office next day she did not see Avery anywhere so her plan failed.     

Now she catches Avery after seventeen days. So how she was giving up that opportunity.     

All one was waiting to see what Alexander would do with the girls who were standing beside him. But then Alex did something that no one expected.     

Alex moved his hand from Avery's belly and placed it on her bare waist under her hair pulling her closed towards him.     

She could feel his hand on her waist but her long and thick hair made it invisible to everyone else.     

"Stop crying." He wiped away her tears.     

"Alex, what are you doing?" The way Alex was dealing with Avery it was most surprising for Jade and Kaylee. What was a relation between Alex and Avery and exactly what was happening? Kaylee knew nothing so she chose to keep quiet for a while.     

But Jade couldn't control herself, "Alex, There is no need to show pity for these girls." Alex raised his eyes and looked at Jade.     

"What do you mean?" He asked her.     

"What I mean? It's mean, you don't believe me. But I have proof against this slu...." Alex stopped her before she could have said anything worse about Avery.     

"One more word for my wife and my unborn child then I will cut your tongue."     


Again several glasses were broken in the party hall. But this time, not because of Avery, but because of Alex's words, many glasses slipped from many hands. It was a big shock for everyone. The Young Master of Hill family who had a girlfriend but now suddenly his wife popped out from nowhere along with his child. Everyone's widened their eyes in disbelief.     

"What? What a joke Alex." Kaylee couldn't control herself.     

"Alex." When whispered words fell on Alex's ears, he looked at his wife in his arms.     

"What?" He asked very softly. He changed his tone for her.     

"Let me go please"     


"Why Alex?" Avery's silent tears did not remain silent for a long time, she burst into tears and started sobbing very hardly. Alex was feeling her trembling body against his.     

"Please let me go."     

"No." Alex took both her hands and wrapped them around her waist. "I am very tired Alex. I can't stand it anymore." Alex wrapped his one hands around her waist and with another hand, he pressed her head into his chest. "I'm here for you. Please calm down Ave."     

"Alex! There is no need to pretend." Kaylee had always dreamed of being Alex's wife. She knew that Alex had a girlfriend. But she didn't mind. Because she had full confidence in herself that one day she would snatch Alex from Clara. She also had the support of her family for this. Like Kaylee, Jade had the support of her family.     

And today all of a sudden Alex is acknowledging an unknown girl in front of everyone as his wife. It was all running out of Kaylee's head.     

"Do I need your permission for what I should and shouldn't do? Tell me, Kaylee." Seeing Alex was taking her side, Avery felt safe in his arms. She tightened her grip on his waist. But she still didn't want to stay there.     

"Alex please let me go." She demanded again.     

"What happened?" Alex leaned his head down and reached his lips to her ears.     

Alex was holding her so securely that no one could see her face.     

"What happened Ave?" He asked again. In his voice, there was the same affection as when they first time met in the hospital.     

"I'm feeling very tired." Avery slightly poked her head out of his chest and looked at him. There were still tears in her eyes. Her body was still shivering. If she hadn't been in Alex's arms, she would have fallen down.     

Seeing Alex's face so close, she lowered her teary eyes.     

"Look at me." He whispered in his sexy voice.     

"No." She refused. "I don't want to fall into your trap again." Her words made Alex chuckle.     

"Alex, I felt really tired. Please let me go."     

"Close your eyes and take your time in my arms."     

"ALEX STOP ALL THIS." Avery flinched at Jade's sudden shout. She hid her face in Alex's chest again and closed her eyes.     

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM JADE?" This time Alex couldn't stop his anger and yelled on Jade.     

"Clara is your girlfriend and how can you suddenly say that this trainee is your wife?"     

Upon hearing Clara's name, Avery felt an unexplained fear in her body. She grabbed Alex's coat in her fist and started crying even more. Like she was afraid Alex would leave her as soon as heard Clara's name. And go away from her.     

This time the sound of her crying was hardly for the whole hall. Her emotions had gone over her. It was Alex's first time that he was standing in the centre of the hall and clarifying his personal life, and upon all this, those two girls were eating his head continuously by asking questions over and over again.     

It was frustrating him. He wanted to take his wife away, who was crying like a mad person in his arms. He grabbed Avery's hand full hair and lifted her head.     

"What happened now?" Nothing comes out of Avery's mouth except sob.     

"Just calm down. it's all getting on my nerves" Jade spoke again as Alex was trying to calm Avery.     

"Alex, give me answer to my question." Alex let go of Avery's hair and hid her again in his chest.     

"You need an answer to your unnecessary question. I'm right.?"     

Yes," Jade said firmly. Alex snapped his finger and the whole hall turned into darkness. Soon after, Alex and Avery's wedding photos started appearing on a big white screen. All these photos were of Alex and Avery's wedding in India the day before. In which, Avery looked much more beautiful.     

Kaylee and Jade still couldn't believe that Alex had slipped out of their hands but they had to admit it because the evidence was in front of them.     

Due to the recent darkness, Alex remembers the kiss he gave Avery at the fresher's' party in pinch darkness just like today.     


Note:- next chapter in 3to4 To hours      

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