My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-104: She want to thanks him.

CH-104: She want to thanks him.

2With her hands on her flat stomach, Avery stood by the window, staring into the darkness of the night just like she was trying to find a way towards the light in the scary darkness.     0

'Why did Alex say that her illegitimate child was his at the party today? Why did he give his name to her illegitimate child? Why did he take her side in front of everyone?' All these thoughts were coming to her head again and again. She had no idea what was going on in Alex's head. Took her side in front of everyone today and protected her. She was worried about whether it was part of his plan or not. But after all these thoughts, she thought. 'It doesn't matter what you did today was your plan or you helped me from the bottom of your heart. I have to thank you.'     

Avery was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even know when Alex opened the bedroom door, stepped inside and stood behind her.     

"What are you thinking?"     

"Ah...." Because of sudden words, she scared and jumped on her place.     

"Relax, it's me." When she turned she saw Alex was standing four feet away from her.     


"Really?" He was still in his midnight black suit. He took a step forward. "You really weren't thinking anything." He asked her again.     

Avery lowered her head. "I was thinking..."     

"Yes, you were thinking."     

"I want to thank you."     

"There is no need."     

"No, Is needed. Because I will never forget what you did for me today. Today you confessed in front of everyone that my illegitimate child is yours."     

"Please don't say that word."     

"Which word?"     


"But this is true Alex. I can not deny this."     

"NO!" He actually shouted on her.     

"W...why...a...are you...shou... shouting." She scared. She thought she did something wrong.     

He put both his hands on his face and then ran through his hair. He looked up, took a deep breath and looked at her again.     

"Ave, I didn't do anything for which you need to thank me. I accepted what is mine in front of everyone. I declared my authority over what is mine. I showed my right on what belongs to me."     

"What do you mean?" Her heart rate was too high.     

"Listen, You were not raped that day."     

"Don't make lie with me."     

" I'm not."     

" Yes you are"     

"Why do you think I'm lying to you?"     

"Because I have seen the truth with my own eyes." She shouted and pointed two fingers of her right hand towards her own eye.     

"What did you see?" Alex went and stood in front of her.     

"Please Alex don't..." She turned to the window. and showed her back to him.     

She held the window grill bar in her hand and placed her head on it. Her eyes become bloodshot. She tried hard to hold back her tears but in the end, she failed. "Please don't remind me that night. Thanks to God, that I was unconscious that night. Otherwise, I don't even know What would I have done with my life."     

Alex quickly bent down and wrapped his arms around her belly. He whispered in her ear, placing his chin on her shoulder.     

"Please don't say that."     

"You don't! Don't try to comfort me. I'm already spoiled. I'm dirty! I'm dirty! I'm dirty Alex..." She started banging her head on the grill of the window along while screaming.     

"Hey what are you doing?" Alex narrowed his and pulled his hand from her belly and placed it between her head and window grill. He pulled her towards him and the turned her.     

"Are you mad?" His began to rub his palm against her head. He cupped her face in his hands.     

"What you saw and where you saw it. Please tell me."     

Avery looked at him. "I saw in the video footage that after I fainted, two men took me to a room with them. When they were taking me with them, no one came to save me. There was no one for me. You too were busy celebrating your birthday with your girlfriend." There was a complaint with pain in her words.     

"This is not true." He let go of her face and said while stroking some strands of her hair behind her ears.     


"It means, you just watched the video until they took you into the room. Do you know what happened after that?"     

"I don't know and I don't even want to know what bad thing happened to me. You are saying all this because of that land."     

"That's not a bad thing."     

" How can you say that? How can you say rape...."     

"Shuuu...." Alex put his finger on her lips. He pulled his mobile out of his pocket and put his hand on her waist and leaned towards her.     

"Look." Avery glanced at the mobile screen.     

The video showed that when the two men take Avery into the room with them, Alex was already in the room to greet them. The video was not footage from a CCTV camera but from a different angle's video. That video also had a sound that made her understand everything completely neat.     

Before Alex could say anything to her after watching the video, she slipped out from his light grip and fell on the floor.     

"Oh, what happened?" Alex quickly bent over to her height and grabbed her shoulders. Even after watching the video, he still didn't understand why Avery was crying more than before.     

"What happened Ave?" But instead of answering, the only thing that came out of her mouth was crying, which made him irritated and yell at her.     

"What happened Avery?"     

"Alex...." She put her hands on his chest. "I..."     

"Yes, you...."     

"Alex I. ...."     

"Say, Avery."     

"Alex I was not raped, saved me. l was not."     

"Yes, you were not."Avery's back was against the wall. And her legs were close to her chest. Alex also sat in front of her and took her hand in his. " No matter what is between us, you are my wife, so it's my responsibility to save you in any condition."     

"I was not raped, I mean this baby."     

"This baby is mine."     

"After beating them both that day, I handed them over to my bodyguard. And...." Alex paused and scratched his head     

" And what Alex."     

" And I took you with me. I couldn't control myself that day and the result of that is in your womb. I know what I did that day is wrong. I was with you that day when you were unconscious. And..."     

" And I've been here thinking from past seventeen days that I was raped that night. You didn't t even think to tell me."     

"Did you ask me, You had gone to India after pretending fake die?"     

"What else would I have done. I was afraid that you ..."     

"That I would kill the baby in your womb. I will kill your mother and your brother. I'm right?" Avery lowered her eyes without answering his question. But he was right. Whatever he said, she thought the same about him. And she also had regrets about those things.     

"Ave." Alex grabbed her chin and lifted her face. "Avery. I am not so cruel"     

"Alex what if I had been raped that night and the baby in my womb belonged to someone else."     

"Still, I would have done what I did today," Alex said without hesitation.     

Avery's question did not stop even after Alex's straightforward answer.     

"You also have a baby in Clara's womb and what bout My baby."     

"it's not your baby it's our baby."     

" Huh."     

" You are my wife The baby in your womb is belongs to both of us. So this baby will get his every right. This is my promise. But please don't say that  I am all doing this for that land."     

"Okay. But Your promise is always hopeless."     

Alex said nothing to her. He knew she was saying the truth. But her truth stabbed his heart. He put his head on hers and closed his eyes. Avery felt like the burden on her heart was gone after I found out 'I hadn't been raped and the baby in my womb belonged to my husband.' The fact that she did not lose her dignity was the biggest thing for her.     

By the time she found out she had been raped, her feelings weren't in words. She was beginning to feel cheap. She was beginning to think of herself as dirty. She even thought of committing suicide, but she gave up thinking of the child in her womb.     

The last 15 days she had been very heavy. She was in a place where none from her family was. But it was good that Amma was there to take care of her in the ashram.     

For the last 15 days, Amma had taken care of her like her own daughter. There were many women and girls like her in the ashram. They also treated her very well.     

She also closed her eyes.      

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