My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-105: But not after today.

CH-105: But not after today.

3Elder Hill was sitting on a chair. He was staring at the chessboard on the small table in front of him through the glasses stuck on his nose bridge.      1

"Stop looking at me like that and sit down. I can't play chess alone anymore." Elder Hill said without looking away from the chessboard. From the last twenty minutes, he has been playing the role of two players on the chessboard.     

The man in front of him answered him boldly, "You also stop asking me nonsense questions, Young Master."     

"Nonsense questions?" Elder Hill pushed the glasses up with his finger and looked at the person standing in front of him. "This is not nonsense questions. You have been his butler since he left this mansion. So it is natural for you to know about him."     

"That's why I'm saying I don't want to talk about all these questions Young Master"     

"But why?"     

"Because he is my master and I can't betray him by telling you about his private life without his permission Young Master."     

" I'm not asking you too much. I'm just asking when they met. Does he treat her well? When did they get married? Were you and your wife Mrs. Kim at his wedding? How long has she been pregnant..... No No. This last question is not appropriate."     

The person standing in front of Elder Hill was none other than Mr Kim. Who was deliberately emphasizing, 'Young Master' words while talking with Elder Hill? He was raising his voice, especially for these two words.     

" I'm sorry but I can't tell you anything Elder Master."     

"George, drop this formality. stop calling me Young Master again and again. I am not young anymore. Now I had a granddaughter-in-law. And in a few days, I'm going to be a great grandfather."     

"So stop asking me these questions."     

"Okay! Okay! I surrender myself." Elder Hill showed him both hands in the air. "Please sit down now." He pointed to the chair in front of Mr Kim.     

"Please take a seat, George."     

Elder Hill asked Mr Kim again after he sat down.     

"This time I am very serious George. Please tell me why aren't you telling me anything?"     

Mr Kim replied back to Elder Hill very boldly.     

"Did you tell me about your health?"     

" I'm sorry but I didn't want to let you down." Mr Kim was not only Alex's butler but also a very good friend of Elder Hill and a right hand in the past time.     

When Mr and Mrs Kim's entire family were killed in an accident that left them both in shock. At that time Elder Hill had tried very hard to get them out of that situation. And since then, the Kim couple has been living with Alex.     

"Please tell me if Alex treats her well. Because she was so scared today. Everyone knows about Alex's girlfriend but not about his wife. I'm worried about these things."     

"If I say yes to you, can you say something to him."     

"Me.." Elder Hill smirked. "Not me but my wife and his grandmother will definitely teach him a good lesson."     



Alex's closed his blue eyes. His head was on Avery's head and his hands were on her bare waist. Like Alex, Avery also had her eyes closed. The only difference was that her hands were not on his waist but his chest.     

A few moments later Alex grabbed Avery's shoulder and parted himself from her.     

"Ave, It was already too late. You cried a lot today. You should eat something." He cupped her face and started rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs.     

"I have no desire to eat anything." She said lazily.     

"Don't be like this Ave? You have to take care of our child and also yourself."     

"I will take it. But please don't force me right now Alex." "Ave?"     

"Alex please." She closed her eyes and leaned her back head on the wall.     

"But not after today."     

"Hmm" Avery's face was showing how much she tried. Alex rose from his place to his full height and bent down again. He placed his one hand on her small back and the other one under her folded knees and lifted her up. His action stared at her.     

" what are you doing?"     

"Nothing, just taking you to bed."     

" Hmm."     

After Alex laid her down on the bed he took off his leather shoes and climbed on the bed. He took off his coat and threw it into the room somewhere.     

Avery's hand was on her stomach and she was watching Alex's every move very closely. She was more than satisfied that the child in her womb was her husband's child.     

"What are you thinking," Alex asked her as he lay on the bed beside her and folded his arm. He placed his head on his palm.     


"Really?" Alex wrapped his arm around her belly and interlocked his finger with hers. He moved his face closer to hers and whispered, "Ave, I am very happy."     

Avery's heart skipped beating for a moment. She was just blinking her eyes and looking at him.     


"Because you are carrying my child."     

He is not lying. This was visible to Avery in his eyes.     

From the past six months, like today Avery had never seen the happiness in his eyes before. Even when Clara told him the news of her pregnancy, Avery saw that Alex's eyes were not as happy as they are today.     

Because she was just looking at him Alex asked her, "What are you looking my little one?"     

"The happiness in your eyes." This time Avery told him clearly without suppressing her own words.     

"Yes, I'm happy." For a while, they just stared at each other. Their feelings were visible in their eyes. Avery wanted to ask about Clara but she didn't want to spoil that moment. So she asked nothing.     

Alex leaned towards her. Avery could feel his breath on her face, "Ave, I really want to kiss you....."     

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