My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-107: Family love

CH-107: Family love

2When Avery reached the dining room, she saw a table full of family members and started panicking. Eliza pulled the chair for Avery.      0

Avery was sitting on the chair but her head was bent down. "Hey, my babygirl raise your head up. You are a family member, not a criminal. Am I right?"     

Eliza was Avery's mother-in-law but her behaviour was like a friend.     

"Yes, big mother, you are right." A cheerful sound came from the far end of the table. He was Alex's youngest cousin. He was three years younger than Avery. Avery didn't see the strictness in her mother-in-law behaviour, which made her feel a little lighter.     

Avery raised her head and greeted everyone. This was her first time with her in-laws. And upon all this so much had happened yesterday that made her terrified. She was wondering what everyone was thinking about her because of yesterday's incident.     

Everyone started giving their own introduction to her. There were Alex's grandparents, his two uncles and their wives, his four cousins. Which included a young woman, a teenage girl and two teenage boys. Alex's first uncle's eldest daughter who was older than Amaya. She was married and had a one-year-old baby girl who was on her grandmother's lap. Alex's siblings and his mother Eliza, who was standing next to Avery. Seeing the good behaviour of everyone, Avery felt very warm.     

"Now baby girl it's time for your breakfast" with that Eliza brought the spoon to Avery's lips. "I made this chicken soup especially for you."     

"Chicken soup?" After hearing chicken soup, Avery quickly jerked Eliza's hand and, "Crashhh." The porcelain bowl in Eliza's hand met the marble floor and turned into pieces. The sound of the bowl exploding was not yet out of everyone's ears, just the sound of someone shouting came.     

"How dare you?" When everyone looked in the direction of the voice, they saw Kaylee and her parents standing in the living room. Kaylee made her way to the dining table before anyone could react. "How dare you? Aunty made soup for you with her own hands and you, you threw it away."     

Kaylee and her parents came when all the family members were introducing themself. Kaylee's parents couldn't come to yesterday's party because of the important work. They didn't even want to come to Alex's house today but when Kaylee told them what happened at the party, they decided to visit Hill mansion right away. Kaylee was very angry to see everyone's love for Avery, but when Avery hit Eliza's hand, she got a chance to act.     

Avery was already standing up from her chair. Her body began to tremble. Tears welled up in her eyes.     

" I' I...i... didn't it on purpose. I...I...a.. am a vegetarian. When.... I hear about chicken soup. It....a.. all hap....happened suddenly.... I.." Before she could say anything else, Eliza pulled her in a warm embrace.     

"Shu..... Just calm down. It's Nothing. Don't cry so much. Just calm down." Eliza was taller than Avery causing Avery to reach her ears. Avery was like a little girl in Eliza's arms.     

"Calm down my dear." Eliza began to pat Avery's back. Upon hearing that Avery is a vegetarian, Alex's first aunt got up from her chair and went into the kitchen, after handing one year baby to her husband."     

"But aunty...."     

" Kaylee!" Alex's second uncle stopped Kaylee from speaking. "We don't have any problem with what our daughter-in-law did. So I think you should have no problem either." These words were very insulting for Kaylee.     

"Yes uncle, You are right" She gave a fake smile but her eyes were on Avery.     

"Since your parents are here we should talk in the living room." Alex's second uncle said and got up from his chair and went to the living room. Kaylee also followed him.     

Here Avery was still in Eliza's arms. Now not only Eliza but also Avery was hugging her mother in law back.     

"It's Ok dear." Eliza puts her hand on Avery's shoulder to break the embrace.     

"Please! hold me for while." Eliza was shocked by Avery's words. She thought something had happened.     

"What happened? Did something happened.?"     

" Nothing, I just want to stay like this for a while." It had been more than a month since Avery had met her mother. She had longed for her mother's motherhood. But when that same motherhood she felt in Eliza embrace she couldn't stop herself. She just wanted to stay in Eliza's embrace like that.     

Alex's first aunt came out of the kitchen. She had a bowl in her hand, from which hot steam came out. Seeing her, Alex's youngest cousin quickly ran to her.     

"What is this big mother?"     

"Vegetable soup."     

" Can I test?"     

" No!"     

"Why?" he made puppy eyes.     

" Because this is for your sister-in-law."     

"Ooooo. Hmm. Ok."     

She went to Avery, who was still in Eliza's arms. She places her hand on Avery's shoulder and Eliza pulled Avery out of her embrace. Alex's aunt grabbed Avery's hand and set her on the chair. She dipped the spoon into the soup and filled the spoon and took the spoon full soup to Avery's lips.     

"This is a vegetable soup. It's good for your health. Now open your mouth." Avery was very embarrassed at that time.     

"I can..."     

" No! I want to Feed my daughter in law."     

Avery felt very embarrassed but she was drinking soup like an obedient child. She never thought she would get so much love from Alex's family. In the dining hall, all the family members were standing around her and Alex's Aunty was feeding her. Seeing all that, Avery felt very awkward.     

"Please all of you....."     

" What is happening here?" Before Avery could finish her sentence, a loud voice echoed throughout the mansion.     

All eyes were on the owner of the sound.     

When Alex stepped into the mansion, he scanned the entire mansion at a glance. When he saw all the family members gathered around Avery in the dining hall, he thought something had happened to her.     

Alex quickly dashed to the dining hall and bend down on his knees in front of Avery,     

"What happened?" He asked.     

"Alex! Nothing happened. Why are you taking so much tension?"     

"Mom is saying true?"     

" No." After hearing the word 'no' from Avery's mouth, Alex's facial features changed. His eyes became darker.     

"Tell me" His voice was soft but dangerous.     

"Mom made chicken soup for me but I accidentally broke the bowl." After hearing Avery, Alex couldn't control himself and started laughing out loud.     

"It's not funny Alex."     

" Yes. It's really not funny my little wife." He pinched Avery's cheek and kissed on her head.     

The family members present there were very happy to see the love between the two of them. But they did not know how much Avery had been suffering from the last six months.     

"Alex, Mr and Mrs Gray are here. They want to talk with you," said Alex's first uncle.     

" Ok uncle" Alex nodded and turned towards Avery again.     

"Have you done your breakfast."     

"Yes," Avery nodded her head little.     

"Ok, then we are leaving in twenty minutes."     

"What twenty minutes? Why are you in such a hurry. We haven't even talked to Avery properly and you're talking about taking her with you. You go, Avery will stay with us right here." Eliza started complaining.     

"Mom" Alex sighed, "She did not go to college for many days. Please try to understand."     

"Okay. But on one condition."     


"You will bring her here next Sunday."     


"No! First Promise me. "     

"Ok I promise you, I will bring her here next Sunday. Now happy.     

" more than happy" In fact, Avery didn't want to leave either, but she couldn't say anything to Alex because she was still afraid of Alex.     


Avery was sitting on the passenger seat and looking out the window. She was going to the mansion after full eighteen days later. There was a different kind of uneasiness in her heart. Alex was driving the car while. His focus was on the road but from time to time he was also looking at Avery.     

When they reached the mansion, all the servants in the mansion were happy to see Avery. They had already prepared for the welcome of the Avery as Mr. Kim had told them in advance. All the servants welcomed Avery with great joy.     

A few times later Alex and Avery went to their respective rooms. Avery's guest room was still the same as she had left.     

Avery was sitting on the passenger seat and looking out the window. She was going to the mansion after full eighteen days later. There was a different kind of uneasiness in her heart. Alex was driving the car while. His focus was on the road but from time to time he was also looking at Avery.     

When they reached the mansion, all the servants in the mansion were happy to see Avery. They had already prepared for the welcome of the Avery as Mr. Kim had told them in advance. All the servants welcomed Avery with great joy.     

A few times later Alex and Avery went to their respective rooms. Avery's guest room was still the same as she had left.     

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