My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-117: Truth came out: part eight

CH-117: Truth came out: part eight

0If the situation had been the same as before, she would have been terrified by Alex's sudden questions. But now she knew that her husband loved her but the only fear was that it might not be like a dream. Which can break at any time?     

All this was new for her, however, because she hadn't received such treatment from Alex in the past six months, so she was a little uncomfortable. She was staring at him. Alex went to her and stood in front of her. He put his hand on her waist and leaned towards her.     

"Why did you get out of bed?" He grabbed her chin.     

"This is your bedroom."     

"So," He asked, raising his eyebrows.     

" I got up to go to my room."     

"Hmm..." Alex narrowed his eyes. " Ave, Even after knowing everything, you still want to stay in a separate room." He did not want his little wife to stay in another room. If it were possible, he would not have kept her away from him for a moment.     

Avery was thinking on the other hand. She wanted to be with him. Stay with him. But she didn't know how to tell him because it was her decision to leave the room. Whether she wanted to tell him, 'No! I don't want to be in another room.' But she was nervous. She lowered her eyelids and started biting the corner of her lower lip.     

"Don't my Love." He quickly pulled his hand from her waist and brought it closer to her rosy pink lips.     

He used his thumb and index finger to pull her lips out of the grip of her teeth.     

" How many times, I told you not to do that? I know you are nerves. I don't need an answer because I know your answer. You want to be in the same room as me. Am I right my love."     

Avery only nodded her head.     

And after some movement, "Alex." She shifted her gaze to him.     

"Yes, my Love." He started rubbing her slightly swollen lips. "You knew everything, then why you asked me?" Avery's question caused a beautiful smile on his face.     

He slides his hand from her lips to her nape and her face pulled her closer which caused her back to stretch. "Because I wanted to hear it from your mouth." Alex's face was just an inch away from her face. She could feel his breath on her face. Seeing her reflection in his blue eyes made her heart beat faster.     

"I can feel the speed of your heartbeat Mrs Avery Alexander Hill." Avery's chest began to move up and down now. Her legs began to wobbling. She closed her eyes and let go of her own body. Alex carried her in bridal style just before she fell out of his arms.     

"What happened?" He asked.     

"It just weakness." Avery put her head on his chest.     

"Even though you are still feeling weak, you got out of bed." He moved his face closer to hers and whispered.     

"Because I want to take bath."     

"Is that so. I'll take you to the bathroom."     

"Alex." She placed her hand on his chest and looked up at him. " my all clothes and belongings are in the guest room. So I have to go there...."     

"No need."     

" Why? "     

" Because I already shifted your all belongings to this room."     

"What? When? How? I mean you yourself..." She was shocked.     

"My dear wife there is nothing like being so shocked in it because I love doing everything for you.     

I already prepared everything for you."     

As Alex was leading her to the bathroom, she suddenly asked him a question. "Who changed my clothes."     


"What?" Avery quickly pulled her head from his chest and looked at him with wide eyes. He answered her so casually that she didn't know what to say to him.     

" Alex."     

" Yes, I changed your clothes."     

" But why?"     

" Hmm ....." He narrowed his head and asked her. "Do you want me to let someone else change my beloved wife's clothes? And yeah this is not my first time."     

"You mean, you....."     

" Yes, even before this time I changed your clothes." After listening to him, Avery's cheeks turned red like a fresh tomato. She was embarrassed. She wanted to hide somewhere. And here Alex was looking at her with a mischievous smile on his lips.     

Due to embarrassment, she quickly hid her face in her husband's chest. She did not have enough courage to look at him.     

"Ave, I already saw you. There is nothing to be ashamed of. This is common between husband and wife."     

"Alex, please stop and take me quickly to the bathroom."     

"All right, madam." Alex took Avery to the bathroom and sat her on the stool. He wanted to help Avery. But he didn't say anything because he thought she would feel uncomfortable. Alex left the bathroom but warned Avery before leaving that she would not step out of the bathroom. She has to call him after done everything."     

Avery's bare body was in the warm water and her head rested on the edge of the bathtub. She was trying so hard to forget about Clara but she couldn't. Whenever she closed her eyes, Clara's dead face appeared in front of her. She still had some questions in her head that only Alex could answer.     

She quickly finished her bath and put on the gown which was already placed in the bathroom for her by Alex. She wrapped a towel around wet hair. The material of that gown was very soft. Which made her feel very comfortable.     

She opened the bathroom door and saw Alex was staring at her.     

Alex was standing in front of the mirror fixing his black shirt. When he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, he looked there and saw his wife. Who had a glow on her face but some questions in her eyes? Before he could say anything, his little wife started questioning him.     

"Alex, You are so powerful. So you could have used your power to save me from Clara. Why did you need to do all this drama? Why you needed to hurt me. You knew I was pregnant and you also knew that I would go to India, but why didn't you stop me? Why did you let me go away from you?" And with that, tears started flowing from her eyes.     

At the time, Alex felt very guilty for what he had done in the past six months. At that moment, he realized that his wife had been affected by everything he had done. He quickly approached her and pulled her into his arms.     

"Calm down. I will answer all your questions, but first, stop crying." Avery wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him back.     

"Alex. What can I do I try hard to stop those tears but it doesn't stop. These tears flowed against my will. This makes me angry. Alex. I don't understand why I changed so much. I was not so pathetic before marriage. What's wrong with me Alex...." She pressed her head even more into his chest.     

'There is nothing wrong with you, my love, I can understand everything.' Alex thought and tightened his grip even more.     

He picked up her in his arms and led her to the bed. He put her on the bed and removed the towel from her wet hair and placed it on the stool and picked up the hairdryer from the dressing. And began to dry her hair. She was still sobbing.     

"Ave, Clara was no ordinary woman. She was a psychologist as well as a mentalist. She could tell from your every move what you were thinking.     

I pretended to have a relationship with her to mislead her. I would have taken her hostage because of my power. But it would have been of no use. Because I could only punish her. But what about those who sent her here. How could I have known about them?"     

"You could have tortured her."     

" What do you think, I didn't think that."     

After that Alex showed her a video. "This video is from the day I sent her along with Ethan. At the time, it was shown that they had all been kidnapped. Clara was tortured that day before we got there. But she said nothing."     

Clara was blurred in that video. But still, anyone     

could tell from the sound of her screaming how much she was being tortured. The young woman was asking her questions but she did not answer any of them.     

After brushing Avery's hair, Alex took her downstairs for breakfast. All the servants in the mansion were very happy to bring them together. And especially the Kim couple. After breakfast, Alex took Avery to the garden. He was very happy today because his wife was with him today. They had no tension today. Alex could show his love for her today. Alex led her to the swing on which she always sat. He took her on his lap and sat on the swing. At that moment, he remembered how he had treated Avery in the same place.     

He was sad about what he had done but at the time he had no other choice.     

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