My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-166: My wife.

CH-166: My wife.

2Ethan smiled as he saw the two of them in each other's arms like a lovebird. But all of a sudden in the next moment he felt chilly and when he looked at his boss he saw the anger in the boss's eyes. A cold sweat came over his head and he left out of there quickly.      0

Alex grabbed her waist tight and lifted her a little above the ground and put her feet on his feet.     

He took two steps back and stood leaning against the wall near the door. She was in his arms and the door of his office was still open but there was nothing to worry about as no one was allowed to enter that corridor without permission. But Avery, Raina and Emily had exceptions.     

He was holding her waist with one hand and stroking her hair with the other hand. Principal and other four professors present in his office could not believe their eyes when they saw Alex being so affectionate with a girl. They all doubted that they were daydreaming. Because, according to them, Alexander the Great could not have been so kind to anyone. And upon all this, the person who was in his arms was not his girlfriend but a college student.     

Avery's face was hidden in his chest so the college staff could not see her face. That college staff included the principal and four other professors.     

At the time of stroking her hair, when Alex's eyes went towards them and saw the surprise look on their faces, he told them in a firm voice. "All of you go now."     

"Huh!" Her eyes widened when she heard Alex was saying someone to go out, and she realized that they weren't alone in the office.     

She brought her hand to the front, sliding it over his back, and placed it on his chest. She poked her little face out of his chest and looked at who was in the office.     

And she was horrified when she saw the principal and four other professors. Her body trembled at the thought that she was hugging Alex in front of the college principal and teachers. She immediately put her other hand on Alex's chest, pushed herself, and stood with her head down at his side.     

Now looking at Avery's face, those five were even more shocked. They stopped their breathing. They never thought that normal first-year student would be so close to the president.     

'Is this girl a gold digger?'     

'Isn't the president's girlfriend coming to college because of these girls?'     

'Have these girls snatched the president from his girlfriend? I never thought this naive looking girl would be such a bitch.' All these thoughts were coming to the head of the professor apart from the principal.     

On the other hand with their piercing eyes, Avery's body was shaking as if she had been put in cold water. "I'm sorry." She pursed her trembling lips and turned her heel to the open door. Just as she was about to step out of the door, Alex grabbed her by the wrist and turned her around.     

"Where are you going?" He pulled her towards him and held her close to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought his lips to her ears. "Why are you trembling?"     

"Alex let me go."     

"But why?" He put his hand on her head and began to rub her scalp.     

"Alex, It is not right to be like this in front of the principal and professor. They will think wrong about me." After hearing Avery's words, when Alex saw the expression on their faces, he thought that somehow she was also saying the truth.     

Alex grabbed her fist full hair and pulled her face out of his chest. "Come with me." He said and took one of her hand in his hand and placed the other on her waist. He took her in front of the college staff.     

"Although I told you to go, all of you are standing here, so I thought you are more interested in my personal life than your job." Saying this, he kept looking at them for a few moments. The anger in his voice made them all tremble. Even when the AC in the office was on, a cold sweat came on their head automatically. One of the lady professors dared to say something. "No sir! It's not like that."     

"Did I ask you?" Alex yelled at her.     

"You are..." Before he could finish his words, Avery patted his chest with her little hand and drew his attention to herself.     

"What Love?" He asked, turning on his calm mode.     

"Please don't talk them like this, it's my fault." She didn't like the fact that he was scolding the college professor in front of her.     

"Ok! I will not. But it's just because of you." Hearing Alex's words, the lady professor wanted to grab Avery's leg. Today she was saved from Alex only because of Avery.     

"Now all of you meet my Wife."     

"Wife! What?" Those five said together with great shock.     

"Yes my little wife, Mrs. Avery Alexander Hill." It was the biggest shock of their life. Their eyes were torn out and before they could do anything more, Alex spoke. "Get out of my sight all of you before I lose my temper."     

All five of them took their hearts in their hands and ran from there. After they left, Alex went to close the door of the office. Still, Avery was stood in her place like a statue, wondering what Alex just said.     

Alex approached her from behind and stood behind her. He sneaked his arms around her thin waist and pulled her more closer. He put his chin on her left shoulder and whispered in her ear.     

"What are you thinking?"     

She moved her head slightly as she felt his mint breath fill her ears. Her heart rate increased and she answered quickly. "No...nothing."     

"Hmm..." He paused for a few seconds and asked again.     

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