My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-109: Unknown Number part two

CH-109: Unknown Number part two

0Avery was having breakfast at the dining table but still, she was thinking about the message from the unknown number.  She wanted to tell someone about that unknown number, but after that one text message, she had not received any other message from that number till now. So she dropped her thought. But still, her mind was not clear about that n     


It was six o'clock in the evening, Avery was standing in her gallery while seeing the sunset like as usual.  There was only one night left for Alex to return. Unknowingly, the hope developed in her heart for their relationship, because of Alex's gentle behaviour. And also just because of his behaviour, her heart turned against her will.  But her brain was not ready to accept that feeling because she did not want to break herself again.     

In the battle of her heart and brain, her heart was already on Alex's side.     

Suddenly her mobile rang when she was engrossed in her thoughts.     

She looked at the screen of the mobile, there was some unknown number in front of her eyes but this time the call came from that unknown number.  Which made her heartbeat skip for a moment.  She picked up call with her shaking hand and brought mobile near to her ear.     

"Hello." She said in a low voice.     

"Hello, Mrs. Hill." It was the most dangerous voice she had ever heard.  It was impossible to say voice belonged to a man or a woman.  That voice instantly cooled her body.  Her legs began to tremble.  She quickly grabbed the railing in front of her to support her self.     

"Who?" There was fear in her voice.     

Instead of telling identity, that person said,  " You are seeing the sunset. Am I right?" This made her terrified even more.  Avery looked around to see if anyone was watching her but there was no one.     

"How You know that I am seeing the sunset." Her lips trembled.     

"I know everything about you little girl." Her fear was growing more and more with every word that came out of that person's mouth.     

"Your husband has gone on a business trip.  Am I right again?"     

"Who are you?"  Why did you call me Avery shouted at that person?  She couldn't stand the person's suspense.     

"Calm down Avery. Shouting too much is not good for a pregnant woman."  Avery widened her eyes in disbelief and place her hand on her flat tummy.     

" k..." Her question was answered before it was completed.     

"I already told you that I know everything."     

"Why did you call me?  What do you want?"     

"Smart!  indeed you are very smart.  You quickly came to the point."     

"Just tell me what you want."     

"Be patience  Mrs. Hill."     

"Tell me."     

" Okay ok, I am telling you. I also don't want to waste my time. Now listen, your husband is going to sign a lot of billions when he comes back from a business trip.  The file of that deal is kept in the safety locker in his study room.  I want that file and you are going to give me that file."     

"No! I'm not going to do anything like that."     

"I know, I know this from starting. How can you love your husband so much even if he has his girlfriend?"     

"How you...."     

"Avery doesn't repeat the same question again and again.  Don't put too much pressure on your little head.  Just bring me that file."     

"And what if I don't?"     

"Don't be like that Avery." The person on the other side of the phone paused for a moment.     

"For that, I have a gift for you.  I know you are missing your mom so much.  You want to talk to her.  You called her but she did not receive. You may want to see your mother and brother. I will fulfil your wish." That person said and cut the call.     

After the call disconnect, two notifications popped on Avery's mobile screen.  Those two notifications were of two videos.     

Avery opened the first video and she was shocked the most.  In the video, her mother was sitting on a chair unconscious in a dark room.  Her mother's arms and legs were tied to the chair.  Seeing her mother's condition, Avery collapsed on the floor.  Streams of tears began to flow from her eyes.  Then she opened another video after watching her mother's video.     

After watching the second video, Avery's heart broke.  The second video was of her brother.  In which her younger brother Liam was tied to a chair.  He was also unconscious as his mother, but he was surrounded by barking dogs. Seeing little Liam there was saliva dripping from the dog's mouth.  If those dogs had been released, they would have been on Liam in a second.     

Avery knew how much her little brother was afraid of dogs.  Her heart ached at the thought of how much he would have cried if he had not been unconscious. Her mobile fell out of her hand and she started crying more.     

In that situation suddenly she thought of only one person.  And that person was her husband.     

She quickly picked up the mobile that had fallen from her hand.  As she was about to call him, she got another call from that unknown number.  She quickly picked up the call without a moment's delay and grabbed the mobile near her ear.     

"So Mrs. Hill what did you think."  She had no idea what to say or do in that situation.  Her body was trembling with fear and all she could think of was her mother and brother.     

" I....I... ready."     

"Good decision."     

" A.....After...I gi.....give you.....the....the file, will release.....m..... my mother an....and brother."     

" Absolutely.  There is no doubt about it. And and one more thing, if you tell anyone about this or try to get someone's help. It won't take me long to free those dogs on your brother's little body."     

"No! Ple....Please.... don't do that.  I am ready to do whatever you want."     

" Okay.  Now go to your husband's study room."     

" But how can I go into his study room.  Because if I went to his study room, Butler or the other servants in the mansion would know. They will doubt me or they will try to stop me."     

"Please do give me excuses.  I know all the servants in your mansion love you very much and especially that Kim couple. Now follow my instructions.  Go to the study room first.  You only have one minute for that  and your time starts now."     

The person cut the call and Avery ran to Alex's study room.  As she walked into Alex's study room, she found that unknown man's words true because she had not been questioned by anyone.     

She reached Alex's study room within a minute. This was Avery's first time in Alex's study room.  She was amazed to see Alex's study room.  His study room was decorated with numerous books.  Just as she was about to run her gaze in whole room, she got a call from that unknown number.     

" I am in the study room."     

" In that study room, there is a shelf of books on the right side of the Alex table. Below the shelf, there Alex secret locker behind the books.  Go there."     

Avery did as the person said.  She was shocked when she saw the Secret Locker behind the books.  There was only one thought in her head that how this person knew all this.     

"How do you know about all this?"     

"Baby.  I tell you in advance that I know everything.  Now let me tell you the password." That stranger told the password.  Avery put that password but the locker did not open.     

"This locker is not opening." She told that person.     

"WHAT!"  How is this possible?" That person was a little shocked at how this could happen.     

"You are lying to me. Because this cannot be possible."  The person did not trust her.     

"Why should I lie to you?"     

" Try again."  Avery tried again but still did not open the locker.  And a warning appears on the locker screen that you have only one chance left.  Avery told that person.     

"If the wrong password is entered at this time, the alarm will sound throughout the mansion and all doors and windows in the mansion will be closed for the next 48 hours.  And it will only open with Alex's eyes scanning." Avery was shocked again because she did not know that the mansion in which she lives has such high advance security.     

She was relieved to hear the person's words and asked quickly.  "So now there is no other option to open this locker.  And so you will free my mother and brother."     


"But why."     

"  You have one last chance.  I give you an hour.  In this one hour search the password and unlock the locker."     

" But how I."     

"I don't know.  Search that room or put your own head in it.  Because you have been with him for six months. I am sending you the name of that file."     

Avery sat there for 15 minutes wondering what the locker password might be.  After 15 minutes she got up from her seat and began to press the button with trembling fingers.  And the locker opened for her surprise.  She couldn't believe it because that locker password was her birthday.  She quickly started looking for the file but suddenly her attention went to a file with Clara's name written on it.  She felt curious about that file.  She picked up the file and began to read.  Tears welled up in her eyes as she read the file.  Only two words came out of her mouth. "Why Alex?" And she collapsed right there.     

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