My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-95: Not feeling well

CH-95: Not feeling well

0Raina was walking back and forth in Max's office. She was looking very tense. She had been waiting for Max for a long time.     

She stopped when she heard the sound of the door opening. She looked at the door.     

"Princess, when did you come?" Max was in his white coat.     

"Max," She said and went to him.     

"What happened? You are looking tense." She put her hand on his chest and clutched his coat in her fist.     

" I was waiting for you."     

" I was performing critical surgery." He put his hand on her small waist and pulled her closer to him. He placed a sweet kiss on her forehead.     

"What happened? Tell me."     

"Max I called Avery and Emily many times but neither of them answered my call."     

"Maybe they were in some work."     

"This does not happen before. Ever since they both went to New York for training, I have been calling them this time every day. But today ...."     

" Shuuu....OK. Don't get tense, I'll call Alex." He took his mobile out of his pocket and called Alex's number. Raina was in his arms and staring at him.     

She had been having a strange feeling since this morning. She thought something is going to happen.     

Max tried Alex's number twice but Alex didn't up the call.     

Now Max also started worrying about the two of them.     

"Didn't he pick up the call?" Raina asked.     

"Don't worry, there's also another person." max dialled someone's number. That person picked up the call within first ring.     

"Is everything alright there?"     

" Yes." That person answered.     

"Avery and Emily...." That person answered before Max's sentence was completed.     

"Both of them are safe." After disconnecting the call, Max looked towards Raina who was waiting for his answer. "Both of them are safe." Max assured her and pulled her into his tight embrace.     

'Noah I Hope you are taking care of Avery and Emily.' Max thought. The person Max called after Alex didn't answer the call was Noah.     

"Let's go home sweetheart." He whispered in her ear before breaking they're huge.     

" Hmm."     

On one hand Max and Raina were worried about Avery and Emily, and on other hand, Lucas was eagerly waiting for Avery.     



Just as Avery was walking towards her room, out of blue a girl appeared in front of her. That girl literally fell on Avery's body. Avery was about to fall due to that sudden action but she leaned against the wall in time.     

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry." That girl grabbed Avery's wrist. "did you get hurt somewhere. Let me check."     

" No! I'm fine, there is no need."     

" Ahhh.." Avery felt a sharp pain in her wrist.     

" What happened?" That girl asked.     

"Please release my hand. Your nails are hurting me."     

"I'm sorry." The girl quickly let go of Avery's hand and took two steps back. "Okay, I have to go." That girl quickly walked away from Avery. As that girl slipped out of Avery's sight, Avery saw her own wrist.     

"I think that girl was a cat in her previous life." Avery whispered because the girl's nails had pierced her wrists. Her skin was slightly cut by her sharp nails. She was in a little pain. She ignored that pain and started walking.     

That girl was hiding in a corner and watching Avery's every movement. She called someone. "I did my job. She can faint anytime now."     

" Okay." She got a reply from the other side.     


Avery was stepping forward to go towards her room but her steps were not smooth. There was no one else in the veranda where she was. She felt dizzy. She would have called someone but her mobile was in the room. She felt weakness all over her body. She could not keep her eyes open and fainted right there. After Avery fainted there, two men came over. Both men were about forty-five years old. One of them lifted Avery. They were both very fat and very bad looking. Looking at Avery's beautiful face, their saliva dripped.     

"Let's have fun today." One of the two said and took Avery with them.     


Avery slowly opened her eyes. There was a white sailing in front of her eyes. When she looked around, she realized that she was in the hospital. IV drip connects to her left hand. Her right hand was in Emily's hand and Emily was resting her head on her bed with closed eyes. Avery took a deep breath and called her friend.     


"You are awake." Emily rolled her eyes and got up from the stool and approached Avery. She helped Avery sit properly and gave her water to drink.     

"Why am I in the hospital."     

" You fainted, Clara and Sir Alex were found unconscious. Sir Alex took you to the hospital."     

"what?" The last memory in Avery's head was about that unknown girls. She had no idea what had happened to her after that.     

"How long I have been in the hospital?"     

" You have been in hospital for last three days."     


"Yes you are in a coma for last three days."     

"It's mean, we're still in New York."     

" No! We came back yesterday."     

"Who? I mean, I was unconscious and you.... " Emily answered her question before she could say anything more. "Sir Alex brought us back. And now you're in Brother Max's hospital."     

" Is that so."     


It had been fifteen days since Avery get discharged from the hospital. She had restarted her previous routine. But today she did not go to college. She didn't even go out of her room. Because she was not feeling well since morning. She was constantly feeling nauseous. She had been vomiting since morning. There was nothing left in her stomach. Her body became weak.     

She slept in her room all day. She didn't even go to the office. Alet didn't come home all day so she didn't have anyone for questioning her. She was sleeping in her room but on the other hand Alex was thinking about her why she didn't come to college.     


Because of absent the day before, Avery went to college earlier than usual. She wanted to take the previous day's class notes from Emily.     

When she arrived at the college, she was a little surprised to see the movements of all professors in the college. She had never seen a teacher like this before. She decided to go straight to the hostel without wasting any time. As she was walking down the corridor, someone called to her from behind. She stopped her steps and turned back. Lucas was standing three feet away from her. Her body trembled when she saw him. She remembered Alex's threat. She started biting her worn lips. Ever since she had resumed college, she had been ignoring Lucas as much as she could. But now he was standing in front of her so she couldn't run away anymore. On the one hand, she was nervous and on the other, he was very happy. He came to her.     

"You're in college early today."     

"Sir I was absent yesterday. And I wanted to take notes from Emily so I came to college early today."     

" You were in poor health."     

" hah." She was surprised. "You know? But how?"     

"It's mean, my guess is right." He got even closer to her. "Your face is completely pale." He was so close to her that she could feel his warm breath on her face. She quickly backed away. "Sir, I have to go." Avery ran away from there. Seeing Avery's cute action, a smile appeared on Lucas' lips.     


Avery came to the front of Raina and Emily's room and knocked on the door. Raina opened the door and when she saw Avery she smiled.     

"Why didn't you come yesterday " As soon as Avery stepped into the room, Emily asked her.     

"I was not feeling well." She said as she put the bag on the bed.     

"What happened," Raina asked.     

"Nothing serious." She Sighed. "Emily give me yesterday's class notes."     

"Take it out from the bag."     

"Is there anything in college?" Avery asked while turning pages of book.     

"Yes," Raina answered her question. "An army officer is coming."     



All the students were seated in the auditorium hall. Avery, Raina and Emily were sitting in a line. All the students were waiting for the chief guest but Emily was busy with her own thoughts. She had been missing Noah since morning. She felt like he was close to her. Her heartbeat had been fastest since morning. The principal of the college went on stage and greeted the chief guest with a short welcome speech.     

Emily was still in her thoughts. The principal invited the chief guest to the stage and requested him to guide the student.     

"Hello Everyone." Emily, who had been drowning in a sea of her ​​thoughts until now, returned to normal after hearing guest voice. This voice was familiar to her. She quickly looked at the stage. In front of her eyes was the man she had been waiting for last five months.     

Her Noah was standing in front of her. Tears of joy flowed from her eyes. Seeing the tears in her eyes Avery quickly asked her. " What happened"     

"Ave, he is the person I was waiting for." She said, pointing to the stage.     

"What do you mean"     

" Raina he is Noah, my Noah" she put her palm on her face "O my God! I can believe it."     

"what." Avery and Raina said together. They were both happy for their friend. But the chief guest's next words turned the trio's joy into a surprise.     

"I'm Nicholas and I am very happy to be here with all of you." Emily didn't understand why Noah was saying his name was Nicholas. But she did not make any hasty decision. Decided to wait until the event ended.     


Finally, the program ended and all the students started walking out of the auditorium hall. The chief guest was talking with some teachers. Some female teachers were even trying to flirt with him. Raina and Avery also stayed with Emily. Because they both wanted to interact with the man who had saved their friend's life.     

For Emily, every single moment at that time was very heavy. She wanted to run to her Noah quickly and hug him. When the three of them felt less crowded around him, the three of them approached him. Now Noah was standing there alone and his back facing to the trio.     

"Noah," Emily called to him. There were tears of joy in her eyes. She had given him a voice but he did not turn around. "Noah. " She called again, but he didn't turn around. Now Emily's patience ran out and she put her hand on his shoulder. He immediately turned around. " yes. " He said looking at Emily.     

"Noah. How many days have I been waiting for you? " He got a little confused and started looking around. "What are you looking for? I'm talking to you."     

"I'm sorry, miss."     

" Noah. Why are you calling me miss? I am Emily."     

"I'm sorry. But my name is not Noah. My name is Nicholas. And I don't know you."     

Her whole world went up in flames when she heard his words. Tears welled up in her eyes. But this time her tears were not tears of joy. " Please don't make fun of me like that. I've been waiting for you for a long time already."     

" miss. I'm not kidding you. But I don't really know you."     

" Please. " Emily's voice was now hoarse. She could not keep quiet. Avery quickly grabbed her arm. " Emily don't." She said to her.     

Please don't say that. Have you forgotten your promise to me?     

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