My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-129: Please stop, you are scaring me.

CH-129: Please stop, you are scaring me.

3Alex let go of her arm and headed towards the table. He picked up the notebook on the table and opened it. "This is what Ave?" He showed her the open notebook.     1

"You know what you wrote on it. If not, I'll read." He grabbed the notebook before his eyes and began to read.     

"My husband is a monster. He doesn't love me. I thought it had changed but it hasn't changed. What is this? You wrote these three sentences almost a hundred times. And what is this." He put his finger on a sketch and showed it to her. "You draw a monster and gave him my name. My monster husband Alex! you know what is an original monster is like?" Saying all this in a loud voice, he threw that book at her feet. "How can you do that." He stopped for a moment and said.     

"Oh, I forgot that there is one more thing you can do and that is crying. You can just cry for the little things. It is impossible for you to keep yourself strong." He was very angry while saying all this. He was not thinking about what he was babbling out.     

His every word pierced Avery's heart like a knife. She did not understand what had happened to her husband. She was standing there with her head down. She was rubbing her arm with her hand because Alex held her arm so tightly that she was still in pain.     

She was trying to stop her tears after hearing about her crying from his mouth. But her tears were betraying her. They didn't stop there. Alex came over to her again and now grabbed both her arms in his hands.     

"Look at me!" He yelled. "Stop crying and tell me why you were late for the lecture." He asked her in his roaring voice. She raised her eyelids and looked at him. Her eyes were red and tears were flowing from them. She tried to stop them but failed. But now she understood why he was behaving like this.     

Seeing that there was no response from her, Alex's anger increased more. He tightened his grip on her shoulders and pulled her closer. One of her arms was hurting more at that time because Alex had already grabbed her same arm. When she first came to his office.     

He moved his face closer to hers and said, "you are not worthy for any work." He jerked her both arms and stepped back. Due to his sudden move, she suddenly took two steps back and twisted her leg. She felt a sharp pain in her legs. But that pain was nothing compared to the pain in her heart.     

Alex ran both his hands through his hair and took a deep breath. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and held a cigar in his finger. He put that cigar between his lips and lit it up.     

"Where are your words lost or you don't want to tell me where you went." He was asking her questions without stopping and on the other hand, Avery was looking at him with a shocked look. She had rarely seen him smoking cigar before. She knew that her husband was addicted to cigarettes and alcohol. The only good thing was that he was not doing all these things in front of her.     

She didn't like his habit because her father never even touched cigarettes or alcohol. And in her eyes, her father was an ideal person for her. And in her thoughts, Alex didn't fit into her father's idols.     

Alex shouted at her even more now "SAY SOMETHING."     

And finally, she spoke. "Please stop Alex." Her voice was a little louder than usual.     

"Please stop, you are scaring me." Alex turned and looked at her. He puffed in the air.     

She has been standing since she came. And her legs were also twisted, making it difficult for her to stand up any more. She put both her hands over her eyes and face and sat on her knees in the next movement.     

She wiped away her tears and looked at him. "I know your car was following me. After I arrived at the university campus, you took your car to the parking lot. At that time, when I was about to go to class, I heard someone's crying. When I looked back, there was a little girl who was crying very badly. She was lying on the ground and blood was oozing from her knees. I approached her and picked her up. At that time, an art teacher came there. That little girl was the art teacher's daughter. We both took her to the infirmary to treat her wounds. I was going to come to class after that. But then the teacher got some important work to do so she asked me to stay with her daughter for a while. I couldn't say no to her. That little girl was talking very sweetly. Her stuttering words were running through my mind when I came in class that's why I didn't pay attention to you."     

Alex's eyes widened after learning the truth. He was also glad that Avery was not in any danger. But after that, her words showed him a mirror and he understood that he unknowingly treated her very badly today. "But what did you do? You insulted me in front of everyone without asking me anything. You treated me the same way you treated me before. Did you think about it all while talking? You are my husband. You always say that you know me better than I do, but again you hurt me."     

She picked up her notebook which was in front of her. "I had drawn all this to alleviate my frustration." She looked at him. "But sorry about this. This will not happen after this." She put her hands on the floor to support herself. She struggled to get up from the floor. Alex could see her struggle. He wanted to go for her and help her but his guilt stopped him.     

"And yes one more thing, I don't like to cry. I am angry with myself for this miserable condition. If it had been in my control, I wouldn't have let a single tear in my eye. But it is beyond my control. But I'll remember that I will not cry in front of you after this." Alex felt a sharp pain because of her words and he started cursing himself. 'Alex You hurt her again today.'     

She turned around.     

"I'm going to meet Emily and Raina. So I request you not to create more scenes." With that, Avery started walking out of his office. She felt a sharp pain in her legs but she was still walking normally because she didn't want Alex to notice that her leg was twisted. Alex was looking at her back. And in a second she walked out of his office and closed the door behind her.     

Alex wanted to stop her. He wanted to apologize to her. He stretched his long legs and went to the door. Just as he was about to open the door, his cell phone rang. He saw caller ID on the screen. That call was from Max.     

"Alex. I'm coming to your office with Noah in five minutes." Max said from the other side. The meeting with Noah was so necessary that Alex dropped the idea of ​​following Avery.     


Avery knocks on the door of Emily and Raina's room. It took a while for the door to open and then Raina opened the door.     

"Ave!" Raina was surprised to see Avery. But her surprise turned to panic in the second moment and she pointed to the bathroom door. "Ave, Emily has been in the bathroom a long time but still hasn't come out."     

"But why.?" Avery asked her.     

"I don't know." She answered in panic.     

Avery went inside the room and approached the bathroom door in no time. She banged her hand on the door. "Emi, open the door." She yelled But there was no sound coming from inside except the sound of running water.     

She turned to Raina. "Why don't you calling for help?" "Ave, there is no one in the dorm. I called Max but his phone was busy."     

" But what happened to Emily."     

" I do not know. She has been behaving very weird ever since she came back from her tournament. She has not attended a single lecture since she returned."     

"You call Brother Max once again." She told Raina and started banging on the door again.     

Raina dialled Max's number.     



Three friends were sitting together in Alex's office after a long time. Alex's mood was lightened after coming of Max and Noah.     

"Max told me that you erased all clues that lead to Avery." Noah puffed in the air.     

"Yes!" Alex said proudly.     

"Thanks for that," Noah said to him.     

"There is no need for that. Avery is also my wife." Alex paused for movement and continued. " Your mission has been completed successfully. Am I right?"     

"Yes, you are." Noah put his head on the headrest and took a deep breath. " I can now fulfil my promise to Emily."     

At that moment, Max's mobile rang. "Princess?" He said looking at the screen. He had saved Raina's name as a princess.     


Note:- My dear readers, I have told you many times that the cause of Avery's miserable situation is her mental and physical condition. I have mentioned this many times in the chapter as well. And she can't be strong right now. Right she only depends on her husband.     

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