My Husband is My Professor and Boss



1Noah clapped loudly and with that, the door opened. Emily turned her head. There were girls between the ages of 18 and 22. Seeing all those girls coming in, the Chancellor's eyes widened and he began to tremble. He did not think that the young man standing in front of him would soon find all these girls in the whole world.     2

Noah sat Emily down on the chair and said as he walked towards the girls. "They were sent photoshopped photos just like yours and then threatened to upload the real photos. Like you, they didn't know that those photos were fake.     

And then those original photos were uploaded to the internet. As a result, the careers of all these girls were ruined. Some of these were sold in the brothel."     

Hearing this Emily put her hand on her mouth in disbelief and looked at those girls. All those girls were in a very bad state. Tears started flowing from her eyes. She was feeling very bad for them and at the same time, she felt very lucky that nothing like that had happened to her.     

"Emi, Some of these girls even have committed suicide out of frustration with the situation. But I want to salute them for surviving even in such a bad situation." He turned his attention towards them again. "I just want to ask you one question. Why didn't you complain to the police about this? Why didn't you filed a cybercrime case?"     

"Sir." One of the girls called him and said in a very sad voice. "It's not that we didn't try. When I was threatened for my photos, I went to the station for filing the complaint. But I was abducted before I could reach the police station. I was in a dark room when I opened my eyes. After that, I was raped like a beast for two days in a row and then I was sold in a brothel. I had lost all hope but suddenly you brought a ray of hope into my life."     

"This means that they spy on every girl on their list very carefully and secretly. They know every moment about the girls who fall into their trap." He said pinching the middle of his eyebrows. The expression on his face telling how much he was feeling bad about those girls.     

"When I went to file a complaint, I was handed by Inspector to them. I was so shocked at that time that the person who should have saved me was pushing me into hell." Said a girl who had scars on her beautiful face. The emotion in her eyes was dead.     

There was silence for a moment, and again another girl began to tell what had happened to her, "For me, every day started and ended with rape. For the past few days, I have only been brutally raped. They don't even think about your feelings when they do all this. They don't care how much you suffer." She closed her eyes for movement and again said, "But there are some girls who have not fallen into this trap and we are very happy for them."     

Emily thought the girl's voice was familiar. She looked at the girl and got up from her seat in surprise.     


"Yes me." The girl answered without changing the expression on her face. Noah approached Emily and put his hand on her waist. "You know her."     

"Yes!" Emily pointed to her. "She was with me in the tournament. She is a very good Athlete."     

"I was but not now, that tournament changed my whole life."     

Emily was just staring at her. She did not know how to comfort him. She looked at Noah with her teary eyes. " What happened to all these girls was the same as mine. Are all these girls players?"     

"No! Not happened with everyone like you. Everyone was deceived in different ways. Because if the same had been done, the thing would have been noticed. There was only one thing that was common in all those cases and that was Photoshopped Photos. And Only two girls were selected out of the tournament. One is you and the other one is she."     

If she had sent her photos or walked out of the hostel, today her situation would have been like them. All this thought filled her mind and she quickly hugged him. Noah also hugged her back and kissed her hair. Her delicate body was trembling in his arms out of fear. She opened her trembling lips and asked him, "If it had happened to me, what would you have done? Would you have accepted me even in that situation?"     

She had asked the question but was worried about his answer. She didn't want to hear "NO" out of his mouth.     

"If anything had happened to you, my love for you would not have diminished for you, not even slightly. You are everything to me." Seeing the love between them, some of the girls present there were very happy, while some of the girls were jealous that there was no one like him in their life.     

He separated her from himself and put her on a chair once again. "I want to talk to them a little bit. And after that, we'll get out of here." She nodded in agreement. Noah stood up to go towards that all girls.     

When he stood in front of them, some of the girls were mesmerized by his beauty. They were attracted by the sharp features of his face. "I have taken all of you out of that hell to give you a new life. All your photos and videos have been deleted from the internet. You will be given a new identity. You can start your life anew. And most importantly, if any of you want to resume education, you can. Or you can do a job."     

"But sir for all this money is required we don't even have a dollar."     

"Don't worry about money because from today onwards, you all are my responsibility."     

On hearing this, the faces of all the girls became happy. All this was no less than heaven for them. Noah then ordered a commando to take the Chancellor to the base. And told four more commandos to take all the girls.     

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