My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-137: Why did you kiss me?

CH-137: Why did you kiss me?

0Request Note:-        3

My dear reader, I request you to read as many chapters as I upload every day. And now more than two chapters will be uploaded every day, I want you to read the daily chapters every day because this will help your author. I have now decided to upload about 50 chapters in these ten days but I want you to read all those chapters before 12 am ( midnight ) (according to China's time zone) on 31st October. If so, please forward the message to other readers that your author has returned. If anyone wants to talk to me, they can join the discord. For those who don't know how to join Discard, I would like to ask your dear reader cupcake to leave a note for you in the comments section Please give maximum view till 31st October.     


Noah cupped Emily's face in his palm and made her look at herself. "Why did you try to commit suicide?" She was looking at him but there was no emotion in her eyes. Her eyes had become lifeless.      

"Please say something." Noah could not want to see her in such a state. Seeing her like that reminded him of her past, he felt great pain in his heart. He was afraid she would turn silent just like before.     

He sighed and said, "sorry but I have to do this", and with that, he slammed his lips on her.     

Raina and Avery's jaw dropped while widening their pair of eyes. Even though they were facing Noah's back and they couldn't see Emily at all, they knew that Noah was kissing Emily in front of them. Raina and Avery's wide-opened eyes were quickly covered by Max and Alex's palm and they whispered in their ears. "Don't look." Also, they turned their heads.     

Noah sneaked his one hand on her waist and the other on her nape. He then moved his palm from her nape to her head and grabbed her hair. He tilted her head until their lips fit together perfectly. He started moving his lips on her very skillfully.      

Emily hadn't understood anything first, but when she did, her eyes widened spontaneously. Tears began to flow from her eyes. Lifeless eyes came back to life and emotionless eyes turned into emotional. Crying she wanted to get her frustration out but her lips were in his clutches. She just closed her eyes and silently began to cry. She put her trembling hand on his shoulder and did a little push. But her wrists hurt and she hissed in pain between their wet kiss. Noah took that chance and slipped his though in her mouth. He began to explore her sweet mouth.      

After six months later he kissed her as he wished and then released her lips. Emily became breathless. She began to steady her breath by pulled large amount of air through her mouth and nose. Noah put her head on his chest and hugged her. Here Max and Alex also take their hands off Raina and Avery's eyes.      

After staying in his arms for some time, Emily pulled herself out of his arms. "Who are you? And why did you kiss me?" She asked looking straight in his eyes. There was lost of pain in her eyes.      

"Emi!" He grabbed her face again, "Please don't say that. I know I ....." she cut in the middle before he completed his sentence, "But I don't know you."     

Her words were like a sharp sword to him which would end the life in one fell swoop. But he knew that he was the reason behind her behaviour. He was the one who refused to recognize her in the first place.     

But he did not give up, "Emi, I'm your Noah."     

"But I think your name is Nicholas, not Noah. Noah, whom I know, had no fiancee", She paused for a moment, turned her face in the other direction and continued in her weepy voice, "Mister, You must go. Your fiancee will be waiting for you. Don't waste your precious time on me."     

After some time seeing that he was not moving from his place, she put her foot down on the white marble floor. She stepped forward towards the door. Emily's blood loss was high. Her body became so weak due to excessive blood loss. She could not even take her step properly. Seeing that Noah is not getting up from his place to help her, Raina stood up.     

But before she took her step forward Max holds her wrist and pulled her into place. She looked at him with a question mark. "Don't go." He said and she just nodded her head.      

Emily could hardly stand in her place. She wondered why none of her two friends was coming to her support. Maybe they know the truth, that's why her friend not helping her. The questions started forming in her head and she felt very bad. She felt that there was no one for her and she decided to leave.      

But before she could go any further, Noah's rough voice fell on her ears. "How many days have you been being sent na*ed photos?" And with that, A shiver ran through her spine and her weak body began to tremble. Noah knew all about it but he asked her that question to stop her.     


Her legs began wobbling and just she was about to fall on the floor, Noah hugged her from behind and supported her body. She was still not ready to believe what he had said to her a moment earlier. "We..where" her word Shuttered. Noah loosened one of his hands and put it in his pocket. He pulled out her mobile and grabbed it in front of her.      

Seeing her mobile in his hand, her emotions got out of control. Her head began to spin round. "Thi.....this....this.." Before she says anything she passed in his arms. Noah lifted her unconscious body into his arms and laid her on the bed. Max again connected the IV tube to the needle in her hand. Max gave her an injection and told everyone to wait a while because he thought she would regain consciousness soon.     

A few moments later...     

When Emily opened her eyes, the first face in front of her eyes was Noah's. He was sitting on a chair holding her hand in his. When she rolled her eyes, she saw Avery standing by Alex's arm near the window and Raina sitting on the couch next to Max. Seeing the worry in their eyes for her, she realized that she had thought wrong about her friend. They were here just for her. Tears quickly flowed from her eyes as she closed her eyes.     

Avery pulled Alex's hand wrapped around her belly and stepped forward. "Ave!" He said.      

She turned around and looked at him, "Alex Let me talk to her once." She requested.      

"Ok!" She moved closer to her Emily and put her hand on her cheek. " If you don't tell us, how will we know? Please tell."     

Emily opened her eyes. "What can I tell you? Shall I say that this he did not come when I needed him most? Shall I say that he also refused to remember me? And now he came after changes everything."     

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